Sunday, March 18, 2018

.......the weather

Sometimes I have to laugh at us humans. We believe ourselves to be all knowing, in control and most certainly in charge of this world.  Funny when you stop to think about it.

There is more ocean than land.  There is more land without human feet on it than land that we touch. Add in the sky, moon, sun and outer galaxies and we become a mere speck in this vast universe. But my how we puff out our chest.

The weather is a perfect example and March is one time of year I notice it.  We somehow seem to think (or perhaps wish) that we have this weather thing down.  This year I began hearing the chatter in February.

We had an extremely warm February with one day reaching 79 degrees.  Early in the month the crocus was already brilliantly displayed against the bare brown earth, and by the last week of the month the forsythia was beginning its show. Many trees had their buds and the daffodil’s heads were bowed down in that final pause they take before lifting their smiling faces.  Even the cherry blossoms were threatening to begin their bloom.
“It’s too early……. They are going to freeze……  The trees are confused….. This is supposed to happen in the middle of March” and so on. 

I was gone the whole following week, expecting to see a full bloom on my return, but nature had another plan. The cold had set back in and the landscape appeared suspended in time. Wind, snow and below freezing temperatures at night sent us all back inside.

“This weather is crazy…….It’s mid-March and should be warmer……. I’m sick of this…… We are way below normal…… Spring is supposed to be starting” and so on.

Every year it’s as if we have never lived through a March!  I have been listening to the talk everywhere I go and do admit that I am one of the worst offenders.  Somehow, we have convinced ourselves that Mother Nature is always out of whack and that we are in the know due to some arbitrary numbers on the squares of the calendar page we have hanging on the wall.  But we have it backward.

The trees, not us, are guided by the whisper in the wind.  The flowers follow the sun’s direction.  The birds hear the stirrings in the ground below.  The owl hoots with the moon. They are the ones that know. There is no confusion there. We would be better off watching and following their lead. We simply don’t like not holding the reins.  It makes us uncomfortable. 

When is the last time that the tulips didn’t bloom?  Or trees didn’t turn green with leaves?  Have we ever had a year where the ice didn’t melt?  As always, spring will arrive and in no time we will be complaining about the heat and allergies and what an unusual summer we’re having.

We are funny creatures. How about we all let out a big exhale and release into and embrace whatever comes. But what would we talk about if not the weather?

Watching the stars for direction,

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