Sunday, November 20, 2016


This is how I choose to be this week………………..
This Buddha sits in the east corner of my back yard overlooking the fire pit. I refer to this Buddha as she since I sense such a feminine receptive energy when I am in her presence. The sun rises each morning over her left shoulder and illuminates her as it settles into the western sky. The moon too rises over her head and sets, as if bowing, at her feet. 

The wild raspberry bushes vine around her during their fruiting season and the tree stump on which she rests decays as the insects feast.  Leaves are now brushing her back as they float downward, and rain collects in her open palms.  Today the wind is howling around her and snow may soon cover her entirely. Thunder. Lightening.  All four seasons. The consistency of change.

And all the while she sits. Undisturbed.

What do you think?  Do you think this mean she doesn’t care?  That she sits passively by the side?  What do you see in her face?  Do you believe she will be taken advantage of…….  That she is not acting…….  Where is her anger? Why isn’t she doing anything?

But she is. 

I can see her from where I sit right now. When I look, what I see is courage. Compassion. Healing.  Surrender. If I become drawn from my center, one glance and I remember. 

Then my role is to go out and be that for one other person. So that they can be it for the next…….and the next…..and the next. 

Today I went to a two hour 5 Rhythms conscious dance event for the first time. It is based on awakening the five rhythms of the Universe that we each also carry in our body. Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness.  At the end we all sat and the teacher shared.  She spoke of the chaos that many are feeling right now. Her words were ‘in chaos we must surrender. Only then do we uncover truth.’ 

We had just finished dancing that transition, but it’s so much more challenging out in the bright lights of life. We want to plan, do, act. But only when these are done from that still point in our center are they fruitful.  First we must experience the chaos. Surrendering to the sense of confusion and to the falling away of all that we were so certain that we knew.

But my Buddha already knows all this.  Can you see the small beginnings of her smile? She will keep reminding me……..and I will keep reminding you……..

Watch out for the quiet ones.   They can move mountains. 


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