Sunday, June 1, 2014

.......what did you say?

Dear Yogis,

There is a saying that “you teach what you need.”  I have found that to be true so many times over these last several years.  And it certainly held true these last two weeks…….

Last week the topic was listening within.  Becoming quiet enough to hear the directions being provided by the heart.  Turning off the TV, radio, computer and music to hear your own inner voice. 

This week we moved up to the third eye, Ajna chakra, where we wipe away the cloudy haze created by our perceptions, in order to see clearly.  To see what is right here.  Seeing what is real.  Inner vision.

About two weeks ago the back of my knee started feeling sore.  It would come and go, but each time it returned it was a little more painful.  It began to shift – sometimes up the leg and sometimes down into the calf.  But I continued on.  “I have worked my way through this before.  No problem!” 

Three days of running  this  week, 6 classes and 4 home practices later….it’s even worse.  What a surprise.  But it’s Friday!  My day to go to Down Dog!  I’ll just take it easy (in the 95 degree room doing power yoga, culminating with 5 wheels J).  I’ll rub some Indian Balm on the back of my leg to loosen it up.  And so I did, and off I went.

Halfway through class the back of my leg began to tingle.  The tingle then became heat.  And within 30 minutes the entire back of my leg felt as if it was engulfed in flames!!!  Oh my Gosh – as suddenly I remembered the balm and the fact that it was made with all heating herbs – clove, cinnamon, camphor etc.  – while I heated it up to a searing 95.  Wow.

By the time I got back for “time for me” there certainly wasn’t going to be any dancing.  My leg felt dead.  I lay on the bed instead to quiet down and write and what flowed out was that I was merely paying lip service to everything I had taught these two weeks.   I know my body inside and out.  I had been hearing clearly what it was saying, but didn’t like what I heard.  I remembered the little voice quietly saying I should skip class but I didn’t want to listen.  I could see exactly what was happening all week, but didn’t like what I saw.  Easier to look away and just keep pushing forward.  How often do we do that?

We can do that – not only with physical issues, but emotional as well.  We hear and see what is right for us, and still move in the opposite direction.  Rationalizing.  Talking our self out of it.  Giving the reins back to the mind.  But sooner or later it catches up with us.  The signs get stronger and the messages louder, until eventually they take us down.  Illness, injury, sadness or general sense of being disconnected.  Foggy about where we are, how we got there and which way to go. 

For me this week that inner voice had to turn the volume way up to get my attention.   But now that it has me I have tuned back in.   I have slowed waaaaayyyyyyy  down.  Mindful movement.  Sitting in my healing garden next to my friend Comfrey – the muscle/bone healer.  Re-establishing my earth connection as I write this from my grass pod in the circle.  Hearing the call of the crows and soaking in the sun’s late afternoon rays.  The cardinals daring to come just a little closer than usual.  Noticing this moment…..and listening for what it has to tell me. 

And look what welcomed me when I walked out first thing this morning!


She’s not Bunny Rabbit, but a new friend.  Time to start working my magic!
I see you Universe. And it feels good to be home again.

Just from the act of noticing and allowing, the healing has begun,

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