Monday, August 27, 2012 week with Susun

  Susun Weed

I spent August 6-12 at Laughing Rock, Susun Weed’s property/home in Woodstock NY for the Green Goddess Apprentice Intensive.    And I have so much to share.  Today I will give a broad overview of my week.  Over time I want to share many of the Susun’s philosophies and usable daily tips on health, nourishment, the feminine and connection to Mother Earth. 

It was challenging physically, mentally and emotionally and took me far outside of my comfort zone box.  And as I always say –“ if you are comfortable, you aren’t growing”.   Well I was given lots of space for growth!!

I slept in my tent the whole week.  Only got one shower.  Took out my contacts.  Was outside and barefoot almost all day.  I fell asleep to the owls and awoke each morning to the sunrise and the chirp of the titmouse.  Yarrow tincture on our feet and ankles each morning to deter ticks and mosquitos.  3 wonderful nourishing meals each day….no white sugar or white flour.  No snacking, other than a wild plant here and there.   All we drank from morning to night were nourishing herbal infusions (much more on that to come!!), with the exception of a 5 year old bottle of homemade dandelion wine that she opened for us one evening….delicious! 

Our days were structured around the schedule of the goats as they are free range so must be watched.  They were milked at 9 and then let out.  Wherever they wandered, we went and then sat for lessons on  the wild plants….weeds as they are known to many.  Did you know that you can crumble Queen Anne’s Lace flowers in your salad?  And that the young leaves of Virginia Creeper, five fingered ivy, make an excellent addition to your salad greens?  Or that the needles from a white pine tree make a delicious vinegar?

Our mornings began with a 7 directional movement meditation that I would love to teach you all, led by Whitefeather.  What a beautiful way to welcome in each new day.  In the afternoons we spent some time beading our power shields.  In the evenings we had different events and rituals – yoga, watching Susun give free phone consultations, a Moon Lodge, a Goddess pageant and one night we kept a heart beat drum going from 8pm to 6:30 am, each taking 2 hour shifts and sleeping around the fire in between.   And all done with 6 other beautiful women ranging in age from 27 to 62. 

Susun is a unique individual.  Strong, extremely intelligent, passionate, controversial, driven by what she believes in, tough, caring, and a wonderful story teller.  She pushes….hard.  She screams… a lot.  But she also hugs.  I realized that being around her makes you stay present.  She is who she is and makes it clear that you don’t have to like her.  She just wants you to learn from her and carry it back to share. 

By the end of the week my feet were earth stained, my skin felt smooth, my hair was close to starting on dreadlocks, and I felt so alive.  So full.   So connected.  And the effects of the week continue to unfold inside of me. 

Bringing my heartbeat in rhythm with the earth’s,

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