Sunday, June 9, 2024


Running down my street I spot some bright yellow in middle of the road. Getting closer I see it is a small stuffed duck. It is a little worn but intact so I place it on a big rock on the side of the street so that whoever lost it may spot it. A few days later it was gone.

Next I am running down and in almost the same spot something red catches my eye. A small rope tie. The kind a dog would love to tug on. Again, I shake it off and put it to the side. Now I am getting suspicious.

A few days go by and the red rope is still there but now on the other side lies a small stuffed lamb. I recognize it as lambchop since Phoebe has one which she adores. I am now putting two and two together.

We are in fox kit season and they are now big enough to be wandering out of the den and are eager to play. Therefore, like any good mom would do, toys found around town are brought home for the youngsters. I have often seen the parents crossing in this area. Mystery solved!

It reminds me of the shoes. A couple years ago while cleaning out debris that had fallen in the firepit I uncovered a kid’s sneaker. I mention it to our next-door neighbor and she exclaims that things had been missing from their front porch. Having blamed the kids for being forgetful, we now decide fox is the culprit.

Just last week I found a pink flip flop in our wood pile and a blue croc in the woods. The trickster has been up to its wily ways again.

I love fox.

The way they stop when you are approaching, often sitting to assess the situation before scampering off. Sometimes coming back once you pass and following for a bit. Curious.

And even how they leave a small single poop in a conspicuous place where you spend time to announce their presence. On the front walk, on the rock in the center of my garden and even on a straining bag I had forgotten outside. Really?

They are beautiful, clever, nimble and smart. Do you have fox stories?

Thankful for fox,

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