Sunday, June 2, 2024

....the you channel

Are you old enough to remember the knob that was used to find a station on the radio? When looking for a particular channel, you would turn the knob until you found the music or show you wanted to listen to. Called a tuning knob, as you turned it in different directions it would pick up the different frequencies that each of the radio stations were broadcasting on.

It required some precision. Turn a tiny bit too far to the right and there would be static. A little too far left and a different station would come on. Often it would take patiently turning it back and forth several times to finally land right on it. It would then become crystal clear.

You had tuned in…….

Like radio stations, each one of us has our own inner channel. A frequency unique to us. And also like the radio, tuning in to our channel can be challenging.

Your unique frequency is the true you. That you that lays far under the clatter of the outer world. Deep below the noisy layer of thoughts. Below the constant static of that inner chatter. Beneath the distraction of ever shifting emotions. Under the worry and the fear. A part of you that is always there. Never changes. Completely at peace.

How do we tune in?

It’s a practice. In order to tune a radio you have to stop everything else you are doing, get quiet and place your focus on what you are trying to connect to. It is no different for us. This is what is called meditation.

It doesn’t have to be an hour. It doesn’t have to be sitting in lotus in a quiet room. It can be even a few minutes a day, but it does require stillness. A time when doing and movement stops and where focus is shifted to what it is you want to connect to. Searching inward for the channel you know is there.

When you land on it, you will know. It will come in crystal clear. For a moment the rest of the world fades away and you feel complete.

The more times you tune in the easier it is to find,

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