Sunday, June 23, 2024

....ode to birdbath

About a week before my next-door neighbor Danny became ill he nonchalantly asked if I wanted his bird bath. The old-fashioned type with a heavy-duty white concrete stand and a painted blue bowl. Knowing him, he probably was the painter.

Only a few weeks later he passed away. He clearly knew he was sick before any of us had a clue. I had not had time to get the bird bath. I knew that his intention was for me to carry on the watering of our feathered friends, of whom he had taught me so much. So, in the dark of night, we went and carried it over.

It has sat in the center of my medicine wheel garden ever since.

Friday evening in heavy 94-degree air I was cleaning and refilling the bowl with the hose. Once finished a wasp flew in and landed at the edge and dipped her face in for a quick drink.

Of course, the birds love it! Sparrows dip in and shake their feathers, becoming adorably round and fluffy. Bluebirds, cardinals, robins even crows take turns at the local watering hole. A rock I placed in the center gives even the hummingbird a chance for hydration.  

Yet the wasp reminded me all of us need water.

Over the summers I remember seeing bumble bees in there. Dragonflies and butterflies. Even Phoebe knows how dependable the bird bath is when we return from a steamy walk. The perfect height! The deer too know where to come when heat waves make water scarce.

In fact, the other day the mother deer brought her two fawns to check out the garden. All three munched away on my goldenrod and black eyed susans (oh well) until one of the babies worked up a thirst and found the birdbath. 

Again…..perfect height! Now she too will know where to come.

Recently birdbaths have gotten a bad rap from mosquitos. But throw in half a mosquito dunk and no eggs will hatch. Safe for all.

Birdbaths offer lifesaving water for all of earth’s creatures and provide great entertainment out my windows. Thanks Danny!


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