Sunday, June 30, 2024


Big bold letters on the lease for the house we were going to rent on the NJ shore read ‘WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND PREVIEWING THE PROPERTY’. It goes on to talk about how opinions as to the condition of a property vary and are subjective.

The only reason we had to rent a different house was that the one we had been in was knocked down for a new build. In fact, I realized the only reason we ever switched houses in these past 40 years is because the current one was being bulldozed. We don’t like change and prices for newer homes are astronomical. This was going to be only our fifth house. I was a bit nervous.

It is an upside down house built in 1964 with pictures that do not impress. However……it is beachfront. We signed.

We pulled up last Saturday.  Older, yes. A bit tired, yes. Stains on the carpets, yes. In need of a paint job, yes. Sand in the window wells, yes. Old tiled bathrooms, yes. But as I walked in the door, I fell instantly in love!

The house was absolutely perfect for us. Up to six kids running a path through the living room at any one time. Twenty for buffet dinner served from formica kitchen counters with room for all on four 1980s’ couches. A 1964 full set of encyclopedias brought entertainment while the multitude of broken remotes kept the toddlers busy.

I love older houses. They have good bones and bring back memories from childhood. And they are hard to break……

And did I mention it was beachfront? Big old original windows framed views from all angles of the dunes and happenings of the beach. Birds swooped while bunnies hopped. A large pink moon popped up over the ocean one evening while a perfect sunrise greeted me on the final day.

It definitely wouldn’t be a house for everyone……thank goodness for us that ‘opinions vary.’ To me it was welcoming and relaxed. Two traits higher on my list than any bells and whistles.

Rumor is the house may be sold, and you know what that means. Until then though, you will know where to find us.

Made for family,

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