Sunday, June 5, 2022

....I am excited

Friday was my planting cucumber seeds day. Back corner of my fenced in herb and veggie garden. I always put them in the same place because it seems to work. Enough sunlight but late afternoon shade so their roots stay moist.

The first step is clearing out the area. Lambs’ quarters, plantain and grasses which have all sprung up during spring have to go to create open space.  Dirt turned, compost mixed in, and a trellis set to give them something to climb. Cucumbers like to be planted in little mounds, so I dutifully mold the dirt and poke my finger in. And no matter how many years I do this I am for some reason amazed how the seeds inside the pack look exactly like the seeds in a cucumber. One by one I drop them in.

Seeds has been planted. Cucumbers will come.

While planting I reflected on the state of our world. It’s hard to absorb the news these days. The world heating, insects disappearing, and anger palpable. Freedoms and rights which felt guaranteed only months ago now threatened.  Economy teetering. Women’s faces once again covered in Afghanistan while Ukrainians fight for their existence. Then the unimaginable happens…… yet again. Nineteen innocent children. A parent’s worst nightmare. Is there no end…..

I find myself thinking words like ‘never’, ‘can’t’, ‘no solution’. Discussions with others end on a low note as we wonder how to turn this ship. What does the future hold?  Nothing will change. This is how things are. An aura of divisiveness and complacency.

Therefore, these are the seeds we are planting.

I listened to an interview last week with Elon Musk. I wanted to hear his views in his own words and not through those of the media. Right off the bat he was asked about his view of the future. His answer? ‘I am excited about our future!’ This hit a chord.

Now regardless of your thoughts on him, he sees the world from a different perspective. He visualizes what is possible and plants those seeds……and by the way has been pretty successful at it. He doesn’t let the confines of our limited systems stop him from creating.

I am excited!

What he uses is referred to as the ‘I am’ energy. Choosing what it is you want to be/feel/have/create by setting your vibration to that channel. Because after all, the external world is merely a mirror of our collective internal worlds. What is it that you want?

I am choosing to be excited about the future. Each morning as I sit quietly in meditation, preparing my inner garden by making open space, I consciously drop the seed of ‘I am excited’ into my fertile soil. I state it and consciously turn on the energy of feeling excited. Every day.

The ‘I am’ energy is the quickest way to manifest what it is that you want. If you want to be more confident…..say to yourself ‘I am confident’ and turn on the vibration of feeling more confident. Try it! Close your eyes now and say ‘I am heavy’ and turn heaviness on. It’s instant. You are now heavy. I am healthy. I am compassionate. I am joyful. I am patient. What do those feel like? Try them on. Don’t think about them… them!

What you want is only a seed away.

Notice what you are planting in your garden,

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