Sunday, June 19, 2022

....a clear connection

I’ve been thinking about the bluebirds. They nested and raised a family here in May and I have not seen them once since the day the babies fledged. I read though that they typically have at least two broods a season and was wondering if maybe they return to the same house. I shared these thoughts over the course of a day with at least four people. That night as I’m on the deck looking into the woods, mother bluebird lands on the closest branch and looks me in the eye. ‘Hi!’ Just then dad soared in like a streak of blue light and he too landed and looked my way. ‘I was talking about you all day! Welcome back!’

At that moment my connection was strong.

I am not a fan of having my phone in the bedroom for a variety of reasons. It stays downstairs on the kitchen counter with the volume turned high. I’m confident that if someone needed to reach me, I would be woken if it kept ringing. But I do need a morning wakeup, so I have the old fashioned clock radio. I have it set to our local news station as I would rather be woken by a voice than an irritating buzz.

Each Thursday night as I set the alarm I also turn on the radio to make sure I still have a clear signal. Thursdays my cleaners are here and at times when they dust the bureau they accidently hit the dial which sits on the side of the radio. Those dials are very sensitive and the slightest movement to the left or right takes you from a clear connection into the land of static or silence.

On the older radios you had to have a light touch. Turning the knob ever so slowly back and forth until you hit just the right spot. If you were impatient you could jump from hard rock to Christian gospel with one flick of the wrist. If you want a particular channel and want it clear, you must be mindful.

The universe, like our local news, also has a channel. A frequency that when you tune in with focused precision, comes in loud and clear. I have been having a hard time locating that channel recently.

When our rhythm isn’t in sync with that of the universe It’s like when you are in the car with a friend looking forward to quiet conversation and they turn on their favorite pop station and crank it up. It doesn’t feel right. In these times life feels harder. Things break. Unexpected bills. Fears creep in and you aren’t clear which direction to take. A stuckness sets in.

On the other hand, when you are tuned in to the universe’s hum, life is a dance! This is what everyone refers to as being in the flow and you know it when you are in it. You know what to do and change feels effortless. The past is released and the future feels bright. Even obstacles swiftly float on by. Life guides you with a loving hand.

I’m never sure exactly how my dial gets bumped off the station but eventually I notice that what is playing isn’t want I want to hear.

It’s time to put my hand back on the knob and mindfully realign. This usually means go outside more. Put the phone down. Stop looking things up and checking social media. Allow more silence. Talk less. Listen more. Stop trying so hard. And ask to be reconnected.

The bluebird encounter means I hit the channel as I was moving the needle back and forth. I know I am close…….

Happy Father's Day everyone,

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