Sunday, September 8, 2024

....the skipper

While working in the garden I develop relationships. Relationships with plants, each with their own personality. Relationships with birds as I watch them raise new families. Relationships with dragonflies, bees, swallowtails and the occasional turtle, snake or frog. I talk to them, observe them and of course, photograph them. A lot. I make sure they have clean water, nesting materials, cover and their native food.

They in turn give me joy and companionship.

There are some though that develop a special place in my heart and one of those is the Skipper.

Skippers are a group of butterflies with over 3500 species that are named for their quickness with speeds up to 20mph. One minute they are on the leaf in front of you, the next across the garden, before darting behind you. Here I am, they say!

They come in a variety of colors. Most of the ones in my garden are clothed in golds and browns, some with a white spot. They are quite small, yet stocky and sturdy with a body covered in hairs causing them to be confused as moths. You can tell they are butterflies though by the little clubs at the top of their antennae. Many believe they live in a world between butterflies and moths.

And they love flowers! I find them most often skipping from my bright colored zinnias to echinacea, sunflowers and bergamot. They use their long tubelike proboscis to suck up nectar before curling and retracting it back in like a hose. Important daytime pollinators, I am grateful to have them around.

If you spend time with a skipper they will become comfortable and let you approach. Once close you can see their big bulging eyes which will turn to look right at you, and I swear at times it appears that they break into a smile. They do not shy from attention.

They will even land on your arm and stay for a spell as you continue trimming and weeding. A gentle presence. I like that.

What a big personality packed into such a small creature!


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