Sunday, September 15, 2024


As a certified tree hugger (yes, I actually hug them at times), I have always been in awe of their roots. Certain trees allow us a view of them spreading above ground, giving a glimpse into what lies below. The fact that roots burrowing into dirt can feed and hold up trees that seem to touch the sky, through wind, rainstorms and drought for hundreds of years is incredible. And no two sets are exactly alike.

There are skinny roots and those grown thick and gnarly. Some that spread far and wide and ones that quickly disappear from view. Others crisscross along paths giving me a place to plant each foot as I hike through. The ones along the creek and river remind me of ballerinas dancing on the tips of their toes.

They are all intricate and beautiful in their own right.

Imagine my surprise when this ad crossed my feed:  How to hide unsightly tree roots in your yard.

Unsightly? What? Could this be serious? I looked it up and found that yes, it is a thing with many options from landscapers on how to get them out of view so your lawn can look neater. Tidier.

Yikes. Please don’t cover up your tree roots. Putting even a couple of inches of soil on them can suffocate the tree. Instead, sit with them, listen and take a good look. See them with new eyes.

Children know this. We have an enormous oak tree out front at the base of which my boys created little forts among the roots. My granddaughter recently commented on how intertwining roots under two river trees made the perfect nest area for a nap. She was right. They invite you in.

They weave and bend, intertwine and reach. A complex network creating stability in a shaky world.

My hope is we will not allow our world of marketing to do to tree roots what it did in the past to our precious dandelions and clover. Nature knows what she is doing and if we allow her to paint the world her way, we will be surrounded by beauty…..and nourished by her roots.

Nature as sculptor,

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