Sunday, July 14, 2024


Recently I said something out loud that held quite a bit of judgment. My personal judgment. My feelings on a situation. It was heard by one of the people I was referencing. Someone I love very much. I realized it immediately. Thank goodness.

Thank goodness I had the chance to apologize. Thank goodness I was given the gift of discussion. And thank goodness for a reminder of how unhelpful our mind can be when it is judging. But how often do judgments harm without us knowing?

Our mind is wired to judge pretty much everything, with a training program that begins at birth. We are told what is good and bad. Shown how to act, dress, what to eat and even what to believe. From this groundwork a belief system is built which we internally label ‘correct.’

We go on to experience life which may change our judgments, but often hardens them. ‘I’ did something this way and it went well so this is the right way. We believe it and speak it; sure others will eventually see the error of their ways. Black and white. Laughable when you take a step back to observe yourself.

Judgments do play an important role in our lives. Seeing smoke, we judge something to be hot. Our antennae go up and we judge something to be dangerous. A certain pair of shoes gives me blisters so I judge them to be wrong …..BUT they may be perfect for someone else. That’s the harder part.

Then there are areas where judgment is an obstacle. It has the power to hold us back from potentially deep relationships, adventures that may light a passion or even delicious foods!  Judgments make our world smaller.

Most of this done unconsciously.

Until we are awakened by something turning out to be completely different than we believed….or when our silly thoughts make their way from the mind through the mouth and hurt someone.

I have now been reminded (thank you Universe) to watch my judgments. To question them. To see if I can exhale any away with my next breath.

Thank goodness,

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