Sunday, July 28, 2024

The word ‘fun’ is thrown around. It’s fun to watch a comedy. It’s fun eating out on the deck. It’s fun to go to the pool or catch up with a friend. But are there degrees of fun? Can two things be fun but one of them more fun?

Well…..when 52 people all agree something is exceptionally fun, you know you are on to something!

We returned Saturday from an incredible 37th Outer Banks trip and the consensus is that this ranks as one of the most fun things we do. Every minute of it. From arriving in the driveway with hugs all around to the last evening’s conversation under the stars. Pure fun.

Why? We were discussing this.

For one thing we have been staying on the same block since the boys were born. They have spent one week of every year of their lives going to the same beach, with the same people, same smells, same activities and the freedom of a place with very few rules. In a world of rules, this is quite refreshing.

There is also someone for everyone to play with! There are fifteen in my age group, twenty-one in the next generation and we are up to sixteen little ones from ages one to nine. Built in friends! And everyone watches out for everyone.

We have the same traditions. From digging a big hole as the kid focal point, to morphing into one big adult circle of beach chairs by late day. A bocce tournament that lasts all week to frozen pineapple pieces soaked in rum brought for the group on Thursday. Olympic games on Olympic years and even impromptu parties at one of the houses (all 52 of us).

We all know what to do and when to do it. No need for planning. No one in charge.

And did I mention laughter? Wow. Lots of it. I think I may have even snorted once or twice. Dancing? Yep. After dinner. Music loud and us singing along. No holding back. Fun!

Even my grand dog has fun.

Life as an adult can get a little serious. Buttoned up. Confined. This week is always a great reminder to let fun in.

Where do you find the fun?

Still giggling,

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