Sunday, March 31, 2019 what you say

The Carolina wrens have returned! Each morning one will be sitting on the deck railing under my bedroom window, singing her heart out. One of the first sounds to greet me on the new day. A gift as I absorb her vibration to set my own tone.

Everything has a vibration, and each is unique. The toad’s much different than the owl. The quiet of a spring shower much gentler than the summer storm. The bass lower the violin. A sunflower versus a holly bush. Your own vibration easily distinguished from mine.

We feel them all, whether consciously or unconsciously. And they each have an effect.

As you know, I pay a lot of attention to words. They intrigue me. Lying beneath the spelling, definition and pronunciation each and every word too has its own vibration. 

Say the word ‘soft’ to yourself a few times. Now repeat the word ‘hard’. Get very still so you can notice the sensations in the body. Can you feel a difference? Where do you feel them? Which does your body prefer?

Words are powerful. They can soothe, comfort, uplift, energize and empower. Yet they can also stab, deflate, hurt and cause anxiety. And it matters not whether you speak them out loud or mentally to yourself. Even reading them will produce the same effects if you watch carefully.

Words must be chosen carefully…….
Now there aren’t necessarily good words or bad words. They just are what they are. Yet some will resonate with your vibration and support you on your chosen path, while others will clash and cause discord. Each one will, however, have some impact as it enters you and often we don’t notice for quite some time. Suddenly we feel low and aren’t quite sure why. The more times they pass through, the deeper the grooves they create.

Be aware. If you find yourself gossiping or speaking ill of another, choose silence. If you find your mental chatter is filled with self-criticism, go look at yourself in the mirror and see how beautiful you are.  If the words you run to read each morning are of what is wrong in the world, consider instead writing out some words of what you can personally do to uplift another.

I am reminded of when I first joined Xerox fresh out of school. It was so easy to see the issues and what processes were broken. We would all sit around the bullpen and complain. I quickly learned though, no problem was to be brought to the table in a meeting unless you were also offering to work on the solution. That cut way down on the negative talk!

Words are a choice! Be as picky with the words you read, hear and speak as you are with the food you eat. Words too must be digested, and you don’t want to get heartburn.

I love the word blossom,

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