Sunday, March 3, 2019

.....A Time for Me

Their bags packed, cars loaded, big hugs shared, and they have driven off down the road. Each heading back to their own world of work, family and home. Re-entry for them, while my house is left quiet once again.

The meaningful personal items brought by each have now left an empty space on the alter. The body oils so thoughtfully prepared no longer grace the counter top, the mingling of their aromas absent as I walk through the kitchen.

Yet I can still feel each of them here. The energy they left behind. The web we weaved.

My first women’s retreat has happened! ’A Time for Me’…… has ended. A success. A weekend that I have visualized in detail for the past two years became real. What began as a feeling has manifested, and I loved every moment of it…….
The word retreat means to withdraw from or move away. Getting away from it all, and we all know there is plenty in our world to need a time away from.  I have wanted to offer that to others and knew I have the perfect space to do it. I saw it and I stepped forward. More than a little scary.

A spiritual retreat offers an opportunity to leave daily life behind, with all its distractions, so you can focus solely on yourself. A time long enough to allow for deep relaxation, inner reflection and the potential for inner change. The possibility to re-establish your life in a new way.

As a circle of women, we meditated in the early morning light, practiced yoga, hiked through the woods (mud and all) and worked with essential oils. We sat on the floor pouring through magazines to find the perfect images and words to reflect our intentions and turned them into vision boards. We laughed.

The fire we built at night drew us close to share stories and ideas, many topics often considered taboo for discussion. A safe place to bare our souls. The fire also welcoming the strips of paper which held those things we were ready to let go of, turning them to smoke.

Most of us did not know each other before Friday, yet we weaved new friendships and worked together seamlessly to bring several delicious meals to the table. The assembly line which formed without even a word made clean ups a breeze. Teas and infusions were the beverages of choice and the chocolate covered orange slices topped off the evenings as everyone headed to their rooms.

Rising to the ringing of the singing bowl……instead of the alarm. Discussions on self-care….not politics. Reading books on healing herbs……instead of the newspaper. Listening to music….in place of the tv. And checking on each other……not our texts.

This was my first. I am grateful. It will not be my last…….  

I will sleep well tonight,

Mushrooms from our hike
Beauty is everywhere!

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