Sunday, April 23, 2023

.....a day in the life

This weekend I received an incredible gift of twenty-four straight hours with my brand new granddaughter. My daughter in law stepped up to the plate and delivered on her promise to be the maid of honor for her close friend’s wedding in Charleston. Leaving behind a 19 day old baby with me and my son wasn’t easy (……now that’s an understatement), but we were up for the task.

I cleared my calendar and headed over early Friday morning. By the time I left the next morning after having held her, changed her, fed her, watched her sleep and walked the neighborhood several times, I realized how many lessons can be imbedded in one single day when you spend time with an infant.

First, but certainly not least, is their breath. All you notice when you lie with them quietly is breath. Audible conscious beautiful breath. With each breath the whole torso moves. Ribs expand. The belly becomes even rounder.  Sometimes the breath is slow. Other times rapid. The more I noticed, the more I felt my own breath. Breathing together. What is so new to her…..the ability to sustain life through drawing in and letting go…..becomes ho-hum to us. Spend time with a baby to reconnect to your own life force.  

Whenever she was handed to me, I would unconsciously place my left hand under her butt and lean her into my left chest with my right hand on her back.  Instinctively laying her on my heart. I assume I did the same with my own sons, but memories blur. Placing her ear close to my heartbeat. When I lay back and she fell asleep that way I found myself turning on the energy around the heart and pointing it toward her. Sending love. Radiating me into her. Allowing the heart do the talking.

I was also reminded that when you need something…..speak up. Infants are not shy about having needs and expressing them.  Not wants……yet. Needs. Those things that will bring them safety, nourishment and love. Constant communication. I need milk, she shares by fussing. I need a new diaper. I need to be held. We say infants are demanding, but are they? Shouldn’t we all be as clear and direct when we need help?

Finally, life is made up of moment to moment change and there is no better demonstration of this principle than following the day of a 2 week old with attention. We attempted a schedule, with little success. Something would work well, until it didn’t. I was quickly reminded that when it’s time to rest, take a rest. When there is an opening to eat, eat. Go to the bathroom when there is a quiet moment,,,, clearly don’t wait for the ‘next’ opportunity. It could be hours.

In the company of an infant there is no choice but to be fully present. Attentive to each action. And in this presence, you are a witness to change. By the time I was leaving she was already doing things she couldn’t do only hours earlier.

And I swear she grew.

Breath in….breath out,

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