Sunday, January 8, 2023


After last week’s missive on finding a word of the year I heard back from some of you on what word you had chosen. Love……balanced……..ease……..evolving were a few. Each time I heard one I tried it on for size. Walking around with a shawl of ease draped across my shoulders would make me feel like a superhero. If I wear love can everyone feel the warmth of my light shining as I approach?

Every word has a unique energy and I could see all of them having a place in my closet.

Then someone sent a note that they were using this new year to reconnect with their mojo. Oh yeah. I wrote back that I have been working a bit on that myself lately. And I still have much more work to do……..

There was the pre-covid me. I felt that I could tap into my mojo at the drop of a hat. Leading ceremonies and retreats, at ease in my practice and shaking my hips with abandon the moment the music turned on. Then there was the covid me. Quiet. Reflective. More subdued. And I liked both! Both felt right for their times and I have much to be grateful for in these past couple of years.

Now there is the post-covid me which I am finding a little difficult to define. Stuck in some covid routines which no longer seem to satisfy. My mojo is stirring but I can’t quite connect.  

What is mojo?

One of the first images that comes to mind is Austin Powers in his skintight white sequined pantsuit who had the girls swooning even with his crooked teeth and goofy demeanor. Mojo is defined many ways including words such as magic, energy, special skill or a spell. Magnetic. To have your mojo you have to be in touch with who you really are, embrace it fully and wear it plainly on your sleeve for all to see.

Your inner spark.

Here are some ways I am discovering to get my mojo going. First, I have to get back to being outside ….more.…..often. In the cold, in the gray. Mojo will not be found in my family room but oozes from the bare winter trees and the way the sun’s late day rays paint the sky. Second, I have to move my body in more directions. Yesterday I raked. Today after practice I did some jumping, twisting and kicking. Lift my knees higher. Igniting the mojo engine!

Finally, Friday for the first time since March of 2020 I did my pre-covid Friday night routine.  Went to a hot yoga class, got a bite to eat, came back and hung out the bedroom window, danced wildly and wrapped up the evening with a soak in the deep steamy tub. Yes!

Will this be my new routine? I’m not sure. But it did feel like a step toward my mojo. 

The universe though, gave me a thumbs up that I was on the right path. As I leaned out the window into the cold night air, I heard rustling in my medicine wheel garden. A fox? A rabbit? ‘Hello’ I yelled, followed by my signature whistle which I am confident all the woodland creatures know by now. The rustling continued, moving slowly through the center of the wheel until finally a head lifted. A silhouette of a buck glowed in the shadows beneath the full wolf moon.

Thank you, I whispered,

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