Sunday, July 12, 2020

....she was free

Let me begin by telling you how I came to know Margaret. In 2004 she became my next-door neighbor after marrying Danny, the long time honorary mayor of our street. At the time, he was 79 and she a spry 74. She quickly took her rightful place in their home, bringing order, preparing three meals a day and getting to know the neighbors.

Margaret is one of those people that watches your children grow, remembers facts you tell her about your life, asks how you are doing and isn’t shy about sharing her opinions. She knows what she wants, and she makes things happen.

It therefore wasn’t the least bit surprising that two weeks ago, when provided with a ‘name’ for the pain she had been experiencing, she took ‘life’ into her own hands. Her words were clear. She had lived a long healthy happy life and did not intend to grasp on and suffer. She would say goodbye the same way she said hello….with purpose.

Saturday morning I woke to a message asking if I would take a turn sitting by her bedside.

Margaret was 90 but you would never know it.....  Her spunk, wit, sense of humor, kindness and bright smile had not dimmed even one bit. She could also still pull off jeans and dangling earrings, and made some mean deviled eggs!  She was a beautiful and strong woman and a loving partner to Danny.

When I visualize Margaret and Danny, I see them walking down the street after dinner, holding hands. For years you could count on them sitting together on the driveway, welcoming in all....humans and dogs alike. There were always extra chairs if you could sit and stay a while. In these later years the chairs moved into the front porch but the love of catching up did not change. 

Sitting beside her bed I began telling stories to settle her restlessness. Stories of neighbors who have come and gone, my memories of her wedding day and things I remembered from her earliest days on the street. Stories of Danny. Soon she quieted. I listened to her breathe.

I have never been present for the release of a spirit, but on July 11th, at 9:27 am, with my eyes closed I experienced a sensation and vision of doves flying out from my chest. I opened my eyes and knew. Margaret Louise Castle was no longer bound by the physical body which had run its course. She was free.

It was their 16th wedding anniversary.

Margaret's absence will leave a large hole in Danny's life and on our street. They were partners, companions, best friends and lovers and they were never apart. Her largest concern in leaving was that he be taken care of.

I am not afraid of death. I read about it, talk about it and speak to those who have had near death experiences. I see it as a transition back to the source….a drop of rain returning to the ocean. Not to be feared. The peace I witnessed yesterday has strengthened this resolve.

Margaret, you were feisty…….you were determined… were loved. We will miss you.


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