Sunday, March 8, 2020

.....what to 'do'

What a funny world we live in…… There seems to always be at least one thing to be afraid of at any given time. Only a few weeks ago it was fires and now it is a virus.

On Friday I needed a few things from the store, but also wanted to get a pulse on what was happening out there. I had been hearing stories of shelves emptied of toilet paper, paper towels, cold remedies and hand sanitizer and wanted to check it out myself. Toilet paper?

It was quite busy at the Giant. Produce aisle looked as it always does. Meat, no problem. The section that houses the dried beans however, which normally looks like it may have accumulated a layer of dust, looked like a hurricane had blown threw leaving only a few sad bags of green lentils. Now I have been touting the benefits of cooking dried beans for the past year but clearly my voice doesn’t have the same power as fear.

Paper product aisle rather sparse looking with only a couple packs of Scott toilet paper left….so I threw one in my cart.  Not exactly sure why. Perhaps that feeling of being swept up by the momentum of a crowd. Or the inkling that maybe I should be ‘doing something’.
Now for the serious stuff. Anti-bacterial soaps and sanitizers. Empty shelves peer back with only two anti-bacterial pump soaps still standing. I grab one.  And for good measure I take one of the last bottles of rubbing alcohol. Now I am getting somewhere! Not sure where….but somewhere.

I empty my purchases at home and am reminded of the 9/11 kit that I started during a different time of fear. I am sure it is still hidden somewhere in the recesses of the basement. Duct tape, aspirin, tampons and water. A whole lot of good that would have done us.

Friday night I go to a yoga class and remember to hit the elevator button with my knuckle.  In the studio they have sanitizers everywhere. Someone else has even brought their own spray. At the end of class I use wipes to clean my props and my hands. On the way down to the car I forget and use my fingertip to hit P. And an hour later one of my hands is red and feels like it has been burned…..the sanitizers.  Appears they killed the guards along with any intruders. Darn.

So…..I realize that what I should be ‘doing’ is what I always do naturally. Keep my body strong. Eat healthy. Get plenty of rest. Spend time in the sun. Breathe fresh air. Meditate daily. Use my anti-viral herbs and oils. And most importantly, hold an internal steady flame of strength, inner peace and confidence.

Back to regular old soap and water for me. And I won’t need to buy toilet paper for a while now.

My citrine necklace reminds me,

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