Sunday, April 28, 2019

......pennies from heaven

Each spring without fail a few pairs of carpenter bees set up camp in my front porch wooden railing.  Small piles of reddish dust appear on the bottom of the railing, the telltale signs of their meticulous drilling. One of the partners always stands guard, hovering noisily over the middle of the stairs so that I must ask permission to pass with each trip out of the house.

The bees themselves cause some damage, but the real destruction occurs when the woodpeckers who nest behind us discover these bee homes. In a split second they can rip open a complete section of the railing, pleased with their tasty meal. An irritation and expense for sure, but I can’t bring myself to kill these beneficial bee creatures.

A woman came to pick up her CSA share last week. She only picks up here in summer so I hadn’t seen her in a year. As I shared my woe of yearly rail replacements, one of the bees stayed at eye height between us to keep watch on our movements. She shared her remedy which was to stick a penny in the hole when they leave. After a few times of this they move on to less complicated housing.
The next morning a penny dropped out of my pocket upstairs and I set it on the tub to use as bee prevention. But then after showering and dressing I forget. Every day I see the penny sitting and waiting, and then forget.

Skip to Easter weekend up at my family’s. After parking at CVS my mom and I were walking across the lot when an older woman parked in a handicapped spot got out of her van, using a cane. I saw her bend down to pick up a penny. I yelled over ‘your lucky day!’, to which she responded with a grin, “It is my husband. Wherever I go he leaves me a penny. He is here today. I call them pennies from heaven.”

Two days ago I am coming out of the Bethesda Coop store wheeling my cart across the lot. A car is waiting for me to unload. The lot is busy with several cars in search of spots but I see the door of the waiting car open and a woman step out. She leaves the car and comes toward me. It’s the woman from the CSA! ‘I had to find out if the pennies worked?’ she asked as cars patiently waited for us.

Are you seeing a trend? You might call them coincidences. I call them signs from the Universe which also happened to be my topic in classes this week. There is some message for me in the pennies right now.

I could brush it off or I can sit and listen. I am choosing to listen and go deeper. I googled the ‘definition’ and it reads….. unexpected benefits, especially financial ones. I will stay open for further word. Perhaps my recent money worries should be dropped. Maybe I am supposed to be dropping pennies on someone else. Lakshmi may be responding to my chanting letting me know that I am already abundant. Listening.

The sign posts are always around us but we often are too busy to notice. They can be words in a song, synchronicities, repetitive numbers, books, dreams, experiences. If you choose to tune in, they will guide you on your life path, removing some of the struggle of the journey.  Consciously watch for your signs this week and follow them.

I picked an oracle card last night. The message was ‘Surrender’. Ok.......

Tuning into guidance,

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