The other day I was out working in the garden. Digging, bending, reaching which of course
led to sweating. Pouring out effort in
order to tidy up my overflowing garden wheel. Focused and moving forward.
I leaned down to pluck out an errant goldenrod when I was
suddenly submerged in the aroma of lavender.
I had unconsciously brushed her with my arm and she reached back out to
me in her charming manner. I
melted. For that moment the work was dropped
and all I wanted to do was bury my head in her stems and breathe her in. I had forgotten what a gift she is…… Thank you lavender!
I have worked with lavender for nine years now. I have three different varieties in the
garden, but still couldn’t resist yet another seedling who waved to me at the local
store this week. She has now joined the others
in the wheel. And this is their
season. Blooms galore!
I began my relationship with her in the garden, but it soon
expanded. I began taking cuttings to
place in vases throughout the house, always placing some next to my tub and on
a guest’s nightstand. Her personality is
calming and soothing. She asks you to
lie back and let her do her work. When
nerves are frayed or you find yourself seeing each hour pass by on the clock in
the middle of the night, she is the one you want to have around.
Then I discovered lavender essential oil and a whole new
world opened up! Year round portable
lavender! I quickly learned all of the
ways to use her oil. Rubbed into the
temples for a headache will bring relief. A drop a few times a day on an
erupting cold sore will nip it quickly in the bud. A pimple or blister……lavender to the
rescue. Massaged into a strained muscle
with a little olive oil will reduce inflammation. I even use a drop of her in olive oil as my
body lotion so she is with me all day. She
is a medicine chest in a bottle and she is one of the first things packed for
any trip.
All of my students get a visit from her at the end of each
class while I give them a head massage as they rest in savasana. Immediate relaxation. Some people have joked that they come to
class solely for that experience. Lavender
knows how to keep friends.
Dried lavender can be placed in eye or dream pillows. Hang her under the faucet in the tub or mix her
in with bath salts to soak an aching body.
She is quiet….yet powerful.
Simple……yet works with us on multiple layers. Her message is one of healing.
Whenever I am asked which oil to start out with for aromatherapy
I always recommend Lavender as your first ally. You can find lavender essential oil at Whole Foods, health food stores
or online. Make sure you get 100% pure
essential oil which is the actual essence of the plant – and not a perfume or a
‘scented’ product. Get to know her and her habits and she will soon
guide you to meet her other friends. All
of them there are your service when called.
Plants are the path to healing yourself naturally…..and gentle lavender leads the way.
For more info on uses for lavender visit my web site https://serenitycircleyoga.squarespace.com/lavender
Heading back out to lie in the grass next to her,
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