Sunday, June 26, 2016

.....I do


Trees have been crossing my path again lately.  Each time they have something to teach………
On my daily walks the trees have been yelling hello, grabbing my attention.  If I stop to notice I can sense each one’s personality.  The enormous sycamore by the side of the road that towers over me, it’s green leaves and white bark such a contrast to the blue summer sky.  He’s like a father standing his ground to protect. Strong and confident.  It’s clear that no one can mess with him.  Yet only a short distance further up the road are a row of smaller trees creating a shade canopy for me to walk through. Subtle and quieter, I feel I am entering a cocoon. Cooling me from the mid-day sun. Like those friends who you know are always there when you need them without any fuss.

These trees don’t ‘try’, they just do. 

This weekend at my cousin’s wedding the celebrant spoke of trees.  Comparing a good marriage to the trees ability to weather the storms.  Sturdy enough to stay when the going gets tough, yet flexible enough to bend with change.  As the best man stood to give his toast he too ironically talked of trees.  This time how what matters most are the roots.  The quiet part of each of us, unseen beneath the surface, yet when they are nurtured and healthy create our very foundation.  Feeding us to provide the nutrients that grow solid character.  A good person has good roots. 

But even with all of this I was second guessing what I should write about.  Until I opened Facebook last night to find the above picture posted by my friend, saying it made her think of me. Ok Universe.  I get it!

Suddenly I realized when the trees began this recent thread through my daily life.  It was on June 4th.  The day I officiated my other cousin’s wedding in Cape May NJ at a historic beach hotel which opened its doors in 1876.  This seaside resort was where the bride had grown up vacationing and since she could walk she envisioned her wedding being there in the garden….. under the old weeping willow tree.

So there we were on an absolutely perfect afternoon under the willow’s protection and standing on her roots (being careful not to catch our heels as we moved). This willow had witnessed more unions then I can begin to imagine. She held the space beautifully. Trees don’t ‘try’, they just do……and that afternoon she was at her best.

The bride was radiant and the groom was glowing as I pronounced them husband and wife. As I looked beyond them out to the crowd it appeared that everyone was sparkling.  The willow, with her partner the sun, was pouring her grace on all of us.  And we all took a moment to receive it. 

I and the tree are the same.  We are made from the same elements, with just a slightly different recipe.  I still have much to learn from her. 

I do,

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