The night is dark and
full of terrors.
~George R.R. Martin
Why is it that everything seems so much worse in the middle
of the night?
You know what I mean. It’s 2:00 in the morning and you wake up to go to the bathroom. You lie back down and close your eyes, ready
to drift back into that hazy land of dreams, but your mind has other ideas. The issue that was bothering you in the
afternoon suddenly blows up into a full length horror movie. Everything that could possibly go wrong
becomes what is clearly going to happen.
Every noise is most definitely an intruder and you’re sure you didn’t
lock the door. Your life is a mess and
you are a loser.
The veritable monster under the bed……………
This week I was making some life decisions. In the light of day all options,
although somewhat complicated, looked possible.
I was letting them all settle in.
Sitting with them in meditation.
Asking the Universe for guidance.
I would head up to bed each evening with a little more clarity. Until……………..
“What was I thinking?
Who am I to think I can go that direction? I am being selfish. I am not worthy. This could happen….that will happen……..I will
end up…….Why wasn’t this all blatantly obvious in the light of day?” Heart beginning to pound. Every possible
obstacle lit up and glaring at me as I
lie cowering beneath my sheet.
Fear thoughts. They
love the dark. Their favorite dwellings
are the corners, closets, and especially under the bed. They stay buried within until the world
sleeps where there are no distractions.
They love to grab you by the ankles and hold you in place. They are your shadow. But it is also in their grip that we can
learn. Can go a bit deeper.
As the sun rises, I take a big stretch, brush my teeth and
the world is good again. But where did
they go and will they be back?
So which thoughts are really mine? The ‘world is ending’ or the ‘life is
good’? Both! It’s only that in the dark of night what is
buried deep rises to the surface.
These fear thoughts challenge us and we have two
choices. We can become their prey or
bring out our handy flashlight and give them a good looking over. Lifting up the bed skirt to face what lurks
beneath. Bringing them out into the
light. Acknowledging them for their
guidance, but continuing to move forward
anyway toward where the heart is leading.
Fear asks you to stay where it is comfortable. Moving beyond fear is the path to a life
So I watched. What am
I really afraid of? Can I see them for what they are. My thoughts. Can I move beyond them? They are not me.
..…..and when I looked under the bed this morning it was that crumpled up
sweatshirt I forgot I had pushed under there.
In a Dark Time
In a dark time, the eye begins to see
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade
Theodore Roethke
Not afraid,
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