Sunday, November 30, 2014

...and more leaves


…….and I raked some more.

I arrived at the beach house around 9:30 on Wednesday night and noticed immediately that I had a situation.  With everyone arriving in the morning,  I saw that paths had to be created from the door to the street, from the door to the driveway, and from the door to the garage.    The leaf situation was bringing back the images I had just seen of the Buffalo snow.   Leaves blocking the doors.  Leaves up to my calves.  Leaves covering the driveway..….and rain on the way.

So at 10:00 pm I was raking.  Alone in the dark.  Alone in the quiet.  Only the sound of my rake. 

Until I heard the ocean. 
We are four blocks from the beach so don’t often hear the waves.  Maybe I am not usually quiet enough.  Maybe I am not still enough.  Perhaps it was because the leaves had all fallen creating new space.

The sound opened up gratitude.   Grateful to have all of these leaves to rake, because you know what?  That means I have a LOT of trees.  And I sure love trees.

While spending my week at Susun Weed’s, we recited a Native American poem each morning when  we woke.   Fitting for this Thanksgiving week.

Seneca Praise

Oh Great Mystery, we awaken
To another sun
Grateful for the gifts bestowed
Granted one by one.
Grateful for the greatest gift,
The precious breath of life;
Grateful for abilities
That guide us day and night.

As we walk our chosen path
Of lessons we must learn,
Spiritual peace and happiness:
Rewards of life we earn.
Thank you for our spiritual strength
And for our thoughts to praise;
Thank  you for the infinite love
That guides us through these days.

Dan a ho, Nahweh, Swenio
It has been said, we thank the Great Mystery

She didn't utter one word...she just let go,


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